Follow the steps below to download the application:
Go to the
Click on Download Rift Software.
Once the OculusSetup.exe file has been downloaded, click on the file to start the installation.
The Oculus window will pop up. After setting up your language, click on Get Started on the first screen.
Next, review Meta's Terms and Conditions and click Agree once you're done.
Select the location of the installation and then click on Install Now.
The installation will take time based on your network speed and PC specifications.
Once done, you'll see the Installed page, where you will set up your Meta Account.
Before you proceed with the following steps, contact our support team and provide the e-mail address you plan to use to create or log into the Meta account. Our team will then provide access to the AMAS software.
Given below are the steps for the procedure:
Click on 'Log in with email address'.
It will open the window with your default browser asking to Allow Cookies.
Click on continue with email address.
Enter the email address.
Now enter the confirmation code received on the email entered.
Now click on the Continue with the Account button and it should route you back to the Oculus application.
Skip the payment method.
Now on the search bar in the Top right corner, search AMAS.
You should see the Install option there if the access step has been done properly.
Install the application and after the installation you should find the application in your Library.
Instructions to Setup the Application