While we have designed the AMAS experience with salient features of Singularity Avoidance, Collision Detection and Easy Rescue. We have still made sure to add a dedicated feature of robot rescue for edge case scenarios in mind where the users can take the control of the robot position in their hands!
Steer clear of the robot as the Robot will be moving automatically in the last step of this process.
Follow these steps to carry out Robot Rescue:
In the case where the realignment of the Digital Twin is failing, and you're getting an error code G0001, go into Robot Control Mode
Now move the digital twin to an ideal position inside the joint limits approximately.
In this case, the robot will not move with the digital twin, which is expected as it is failing realignment.
Then go into the Configuration
and select RoboKit
In the panel of Active RoboKits
just at the right of the RoboKit name you'll see an icon with a small robot.
Click on the icon and the Trajectory Operations Panel will open. The Trajectory Operations Panel is used to:
Preview the planned motion the robot will perform to recover from the error.
Execute the planned motion if the motion is acceptable
Stop the motion of the arm in case of a sudden change in environment during the execution of the motion.
To visualize the path, in the Trajectory Operations Panel
press the Visualize Robots Planned Motion
button to preview the motion the arm will make.
In case the planned motion is not acceptable then click Cancel
button and move the digital twin to a different position and press the robot rescue icon again. This step could be repeated as many times till a suitable path is found.
Upon finding the suitable path press the Execute Planned Motion.
The Operation Status
will indicate when the operation is complete.
Now press Cancel
to return to the Active RoboKits
panel. The Robot Rescue process is now complete and the robot is ready to use.
Note : In case of sudden change in the environment or some other reason the robot needs to be stopped while the executing the planned path, press the Stop Planned Motion Execution
button in the Trajectory Operations Panel
. The robot will stop, then to complete the robot rescue, click Cancel
and then click on the Robot Rescue button then perform the Steps 6-9
Guide to Robot Rescue Feature