The torso module of the Avatar robot allows the user to position the torso (lifting module) at different heights, allowing for the torso to move up to 600 mm from the lower sensor (positioned at 20 cm from the base of the lifting module), effectively increasing the work volume of the avatar.
Each time the avatar system is power cycled, the torso must be initialized against the lower limit sensor to ensure accurate positioning. If the initialization is not done, then the torso cannot be controlled by using the AMAS VR app.
To initialise the torso assembly:
In the wrist panel, go to the Configuration
tab then Robokit
, to open the Active Robokit Panel
In the Active Robokit Panel, for the Torso Robokit, click the Initialization
button as shown below.
Once the Initialization
button is clicked, the Torso Initialization Confirmation Panel
will open.
Please make sure the base's platform is clear so the arms and torso are free to move up and down.
Click Confirm if the workspace is clear, if not please click Cancel and clear the workspace before proceeding.
Once the confirm button is clicked, the torso will start moving down to the lower sensor.
Once the torso stops, the initialisation will finish, and the digital twin of the torso will realign.