Assembly Instructions
For assembling the Extend Avatar the following order is recommended:
Mount the Lift servo motor (Part no.: SR-03-C) to the liner actuation Unit(SR-03-A) and install the timer belt and pulley(Part no.: SR-03-D) ensuring the belt has sufficient tension.
Mount the lifting module assembly(Part no.: SR-03) on the core frame(Part no.: SR-01) using the M8 fasteners.
Place the electronics mounting plate (Part no.: SR-02) on the base of the core frame (Part no.: SR-01) and put in the M5 bolts with T-slot nuts loosely.
Remove the end caps of the t-slot channel from RGM-V3 and mount the core frame(Part no.: SR-01) and plate(Part no.: SR-02) assembly in the T-slot channels, adjust the location until roughly centered.
Check the screw holes on the Electronics enclosure(Part no.: CR-1) and remove the corresponding screws from the top plate of RGM-v3
Mount the Electronics Enclosure(Part no.: CR-1) using the longer M4 screws provided.
Place the enclosure front and back cover(Part no.: CR2a and Part no.: CR2b) of the top shell and align the core frame(SR-01) to ensure uniform clearance.
Remove enclosure front and back cover(Part no.: CR2a and Part no.: CR2b) and tighten the T-slot fasteners securing the core structure(Part no.: SR-01) and Mounting plate(Part no.: SR-02) assembly on the mobile base(RGM-v3).
Mount the limit sensors (Part no.: SR-03-B1 and SR-03-B2) on the side of the linear unit(Part no.: SR-03-A) which has the limit interactor (Part no.: SR-03-E).
Mount the Torso block (TRS-01) to the lifting module carriage in correct orientation(Wings facing up) using the M8 fasteners.
Use the Ufactory studio to adjust the joint values of the xArm7a and xArm7b in a position that is easy to handle while mounting and Make sure the connectors are facing upwards. Mount the arms using the supplied M5 fasteners.
Mount the Pan-tilt head(Part no.: TRS-02) on the top of the torso block(Part no.: TRS-01).
Mount the head base (Part no.: HD-01) on the pan-tilt head (Part no.: TRS-02)
Place the Femto Bolt camera(Part no.: HD-03) inside the head base(Part no.: HD-01) and attach the camera using the M2.5 fasteners supplied.
Mount the ZEDx camera(Part no.: HD-04) to the zed-x camera mount(Part no.: HD-02) and mount that on top of the head base(Part no.: HD-01).
Connect all the cables for the camera
Mount the Head cover(Part no.: HD-05) to haead base(Part no.: HD-01) using the provided M4 fasteners.
Mount the Head front panel(Part no.: HD-06) to finish the Head assembly.
Place the power and signal cable for both the xArm7.
Mount the cable track to the torso block(Part no.: TRS-01)
Thread all the cables through the cable hole and then through the cable track.
Mount the torso covers(Part no.: TRS-03a / TRS-03b /TRS-03c /TRS-03d /TRS-03e)
Follow the electronics assembly guide to finish the wiring
Test if everything powers on, once tested, mount enclosure front cover (Part no.: CR-2a) and enclosure back cover(Part no.: CR-2a).
Note: The enclosure access panel (Part no.: CR-3) primarily provides access to the control box for the arms. So once the working of the arms is verified, the cover can be fastened to the enclosure front cover (Part no.: CR-2a) using the thumb screws.
Please ensure the xArm7 mounting configuration is modified in the uFactory studio to be in wall down configuration, following the below mentioned steps,
Connect the Arm to the Ufactory Studio
In the UFactory Studio select the setting button
In the Settings, expand the Motion tab and then Select the Wall Down option in the Coordinates