Additional Sensor Data Visualization
Tiago Laser and Ultrasound data visualization
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Tiago Laser and Ultrasound data visualization
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Tiago base depending on the version is equipped with a Laser sensor having 5.6 m / 10 m / 25 m range and 3 rear sonars with 1m range
The values from the laser sensor coming on the ROS topic /scan
of the type LaserScan is used by the AMAS VR app to visualize the laser sensor data, as shown in the picture below. The visualization will start as soon as the Tiago robokit is added to the AMAS using the section Mobile Base, Arm and Torso Control
The white mesh represents the area where the sensor found meaningful range (excluding the sensor values such as NaN or Inf). The yellow balls outline the detected object.
For visualizing the sonar data received in the topic, /sonar_base
of type Range is used by AMAS, to position the red strips ( 1 for each sensor ) , as shown in the picture below.
The position and size of the red stripes depends on the distance of the object detected by the ultrasound sensor. For example if the object is coming closer to the base, the red strip will keep on coming closer and getting reduced in size.
The strips will disappear when the object is out of the range of the sensor (1 m as per the Tiago Base Specification) Along, with the red stripes, the user will be alerted of an object detected by the ultrasound sensor using a beep sound, if the object is continuously in the range for more than 10 secs the beeping sound will be deactivated and will only reactivate after all the sensors stops detecting the objects.