To activate Hand Tracking for the Meta Quest headset, refer to the guide in the page.
To use the Dexterous Hand by Inspire Robots with the UFACTORY xArm,
Mount the Inspire Hand to the end effector link of the xArm.
Connect the Inspire Hand to the xArm, tool connector socket using the cable provided.
Configure the xArm to use the Inspire Hand as End Effector (Gripper).
Connect to the xArm robot arm using Ufactory Studio.
In ive Control
, select the Gripper type as Cylinder
and click Edit
, to change the R and H.
Set the following: R: 31 mm, and H: 218 mm
Click Save.
Click on the Settings Icon
In the Settings
, Motion
, Click TCP
Click New
Give the name as Inspire
A prompt will appear to calculate the TCP payload (manual or automatic)
Click Identification
Note: When the automatic identification is selected, the robotic arm runs a series of action commands to calculate the parameters of the TCP payload. During this process, it is important to ensure equipment and personnel safety near the robotic arm.
Click Next Step
after ensuring the workspace is clear and the robot is free to make the movements necessary for the TCP payload identification.
After completing the TCP load settings, click Next
to start the TCP offset settings
To set the TCP Offset Parameters, select Manual Input
Set all the parameters (X, Y, Z, Roll, Pitch and Yaw) as 0.0
Click Save
In the Settings
, Externals
, click Modbus RTU
For the RS-485 port
as the Robot arm
set the
Modbus Baud Rate
as 115200
from the dropdown
as 100
Once the Dexterous Hand is installed with an xARM, configure AMAS using the following procedure:
If a RoboKit configuration with an xARM is loaded and active, select the RoboKit name in the Active Robokit Panel, and then click RoboKit Firmware Specific Settings
and verify that the end effector is set to InspireHand
. Save the configuration.
If connecting a new RobotKit with an xARM, before saving the configuration, ensure the Robokit Firmware Specific Setting
end effector is set to:
For the left Inspire Hand.
For the right Inspire Hand.
Once speech recognition has started, enable robot control mode by speaking 'Robot Control Mode'.
Move your hand into the digital twin of the hand gripper and say 'Engage Manual Control'. The fingers on the gripper should start moving in unison with your hand and fingers.
Say 'Disable Manual Control' to disengage the robot and stop hand tracking.
Enable by going to Settings -> Speech Recognition -> Enabled.