Application Programming Interfaces for RoboKit
Firmware is packaged as .run installer with binary deb packages and OS tweaks, communicating with 3rd party rosnodes through ROS1 protocol.
Input from setup (typically preset):
camera driver to use and parameters
encoder configurations including
custom ROS depth image_transport(s)
encoder only, decoder available on request
custom VAAPI/NVENC accelerated ROS image transport
standard message payload (like H.264, ...)
decoder not guaranteed to work in all setups
preset configurations for encoders (bitrate, GOP, ...)
ports for communication with AMAS
Input from camera drivers:
color topic and camera_info (intrinics and distortion models)
depth topic and camera_info (intrinsics and distortion models)
tf2 data between depth/color sensors (extrinsics)
Runtime parametrization (dynamic reconfigure):
encoding configuration (encoder dependent)
ROS services
calibration support
input: base / end effector transform
output: base / camera transform, quality metrics
input: base / end effector transform
output: end-effector / camera transform, quality metrics
output: camera / marker board tranforms
configuration support
list/load/save configuration files