General Practice
As AMAS solution is not the complete machinery, but one part of it, the Integrator/End User is then in charge of performing the risk assessment. When operating the robot please make sure you follow the safety protocol defined in ISO 10218-1, specifically:
Section 5.8 of the ISO norm 10218-1:2011 contains the main part of the requirements for controls. It’s worth noting that the requirements depend on whether you can control the robot while close to it or if it done from a distance. And whether there is additional safeguarding of some sort.
If you can be close to the robot and do not have additional safeguarding, there are require- ments for both an emergency stop and a 3-position enabling device.
For our robots safeguarding can be safety functions adjusted to a setting where it is com- pletely safe to be close to the robot, even when moving, this will of cause depend on the application and tooling etc.
AMAS Safety
Various safety protocols are deployed in the AMAS software to keep the user safe while operating.
Grasping button on tracking controller needs to be press while user’s hand needs to be in the digital twin of the robot arm to engage control to track user’s hand movement.
Jump removal for control command: restrict the arm to jump to undesired location or to move at fast speeds. When these errors occur, the user will be alerted in the AMAS app using a popup message along with the action needs to be taken as shown in the picture below.
UR Safety Limit
The adjustment of the URs Safety limits is always application specific. Depending on the End effector, the parts handled, the environment, the desired speed of the robot etc. these settings differ. The easy adjustment of safety settings is one big part of reducing the time and effort for the risk assessment and allow for the use of less additional safety equipment. You can find these settings in the installation of the robot under the Safety tab.