Creating a Recording
Step by step guide for creating a new recording.
Last updated
Step by step guide for creating a new recording.
Last updated
Pressing the recording button on the bottom of the control panel will activate the Active Recordings Panel.
Press the new recording button bottom left of the active recordings panel. Pressing the button will open Select robokits to record panel.
From the Select Robokits to Record panel turn the toogle on of the robokits you want to record and press Select Button this will forward you to the Recording Panel. You are now ready to record your selected robokits.
Recording Panel have two different methods to record a movement
Pressing the Start Recording button will put the selected robokits to continues recording mode during that mode Recording indicator will turn to red to indicate that robotkit movements are currently get recorded and every movement until user presses to the stop recording button will be recorded.
While continues recording mode is not active users can move the robotkits to a different location and press the Take a Snapshot button. This will record the robokits new position as a new target and will include it to the current recording.
Both continues recording and Snapshots can be used in the same recording.
After users are satisfied with the recording they are taking they can press the Save Recoring button to finalize and create a recording file.