New Hardware Support
Robot Arms
Dobot CR5A Robot Arm with Robotiq gripper
3D camera
Femto bolt support to replace Kinect
New Features
Quest 2/Pro - Hand Tracking (BETA) Enabled
Experimental Feature in Quest 2
Development in progress
Needs "Experimental Features" settings on Oculus and AMAS app to be enabled before use
“Load by Default” bundle option added
Loads last used configuration on AMAS start up
Rendering of motion trajectory prior to execution and seek user permission
User is shown the robot arm movement before execution in order approve or cancel the motion
Used in Record and Reply, Tiago Arm Home position
Upgrade of the motion playback to perform simple repetitive automation tasks
Record and Reply functionality – record a movement or a snapshot
Trigger Universal Robot automation script by pressing A on controller
Merging of 3D depth sensing with regular RGB camera feed
Added Cut-off Distance and Cut-off Replacement in SenseKit configuration
Bundles feature
Save SenseKit and Robokit configuration - option to load last configuration on start up
PAL Tiago Enhancements
Bundle functionality and “Load by Default” option
Merging of 3D depth sensing with regular RGB camera feed
Incorporating robot sensors feedback like collision sensors in the field of vision.
Pre-sets options to switch between speed modes for robot base
Pre-set for robot embodiment mode - first-person view
Default home position for when the arm is not in use
Support for Bi-directional audio for better awareness of robot movement
Bug Fixes
Improved standalone AMAS view adjust mode – smoother movement
Grip mode can be used in Tutorial mode
Improved user experience when using Reset scale & Reset view
Last updated