Configuration Bundles

Guide to have the Configuration of RoboKit and SenseKit saved in a Bundle

Streamline the setup process by creating configuration bundles. These bundles encompass your preferred settings for both RoboKits and SenseKits, allowing you to apply consistent configurations with a single click.

Bundles contain specific combinations of RoboKit, SenseKit and audio configurations, and are used to quickly and easily load or switch between configurations, instead of having to load each device one by one.

Adding a Bundle

Follow these steps to save a Bundle:

  1. Open the Configuration tab in the wrist panel.

  2. Click on the Bundles button.

  3. Click on the Save Current Bundle Button, which will open the panel shown in Figure below.

  1. Input the name of the current Bundle.

  2. ClickSave. This will save the bundle to storage so it can be loaded in the future.

Loading a Bundle from Storage

The following steps will load a currently saved bundle from storage.

  1. Open the Configuration tab in the wrist panel.

  2. Click the Bundles button.

  3. Select the bundle you would like to load from the list. All the devices saved in the bundle will now be automatically loaded.

Activating Start with Last Bundle

The following steps will help you to load a last activated bundle from the storage.

  1. Open the Configuration tab in the wrist panel.

  2. Click on the Settings button.

  3. Select the Initial Scene dropdown and choose the Last Bundle.

Next time when you start Amas it will automatically load the last bundle you have activated.

Last updated