Gripper Customizations

API documentation for Custom Gripper Customizations

AMAS sends the Gripper control command message could be found at GripperControl.msg

This message could be used by accessing the rostopic (Requires ROS install),

  • extend_gripper_command

Alternate way (Does not requires ROS install) for access by running following command:

  • extend-robokit-<Arm_family>.extend-gripper-command

The data received could be then used to send the command to the robot/gripper for control.

For using the Rostopic method on the RoboKit hardware provided by ER

  • Please install the ROS melodic/noetic

If you are using another linux machine with ROS melodic installed to access the data from the Robokit (in the same network) follow these steps:

  • ssh into the Robokit

  • On the Robokit, in the .bashrc put in the following command `export ROS_IP=<IP of the RoboKit)

  • reboot the RoboKit

  • On the another Linux machine go to the .bashrc and add following

    export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<RoboKit_IP>:11311
    export ROS_IP=<Linux_Machine_IP>
  • Save the .bashrc with the changes and source .bashrc using the following command

    source ~/.bashrc

After sourcing the .bashrc you would have access to the Topics and Services running on the Robokit.

Last updated