Steps for UFactory xArm:
Power on the xArm robot and wait for a beep from the control box.
Release the Emergency Stop and wait for 3 beeps from the control box.
Power on the RoboKit by pressing the power button.
Steps for UR e Series / CB Series Robot:
Power on the UR e Series / CB Series robot and wait for the teaching pendant to finish loading.
Check that the emergency stop is released.
Verify the teach pendant is in the Remote Mode (Only for E series Robots).
Power on the RoboKit by pressing the power button. Wait for the extend.urp
program to start playing in the teach pendant.
Steps for Dobot :
Check that the Control Box is turned on.
Check that the emergency stop is released.
Steps for AgileX mobile Robot:
Check that the emergency stop is released.
Power on the mobile robot and wait for the initialization.
Power on the RoboKit by pressing the power button. Wait for the robot to get out of the parking mode.