The user can scale, rotate, and move through a scene using their hand controllers when selecting the View Adjustment mode in the wrist panel. In this mode the hand controller inputs are mapped to various scene translation and scaling functions. The use of an independent mode for the scene interaction removes the ambiguity of input mapping as well since the hand controller input could also be used by other processes such as arm control.
If the ‘Grip’ button is pressed on any one of the hand controllers, the ability to translate the scene is enabled. In this mode the user can grab any point in the 3D scene and then moving their position by pulling or pushing that grab point.
Scaling and Rotating
If the ‘Grip’ button is pressed on both hand controllers, the ability to scale and rotate the scene is enabled. In this mode the user can grab the scene with both hands and move them apart to scale up the scene or move the hands closer to scale down the scene. If the hands are moved such that there is rotation between the hands (for example, when one hand is moved forward and the other is kept stationary or backwards), then the scene would start rotating based on the movement.
Translating or scaling the VR scene can induce motion sickness. To ease the motion sickness the edges of the view of the VR scene in the headset are dimmed. The dimming is enabled when the user presses ‘Grip’ Button on one or both hand controllers while in the “View Locomotion Mode” and the dimming is removed once the buttons are released.