RoboKit Addition and Configuration

How to add a RoboKit and Configure the Settings

Adding a New RoboKit

Follow the following steps to add a new RoboKit:

  1. Open the Configuration tab in the wrist panel.

  2. Press on the RoboKit button, which will open the Active RoboKit panel.

  3. Press on New button, which will open a new panel with input fields.

  4. Input the IP and port (default port is 9090) of the RoboKit.

  5. Press Connect this will try to connect to the RoboKit device and find any configurations saved on the RoboKit device.

  6. If any configuration are stored on the RoboKit device it will be shown in the panel which could be selected to load.

  7. If no configurations are available click on Create New Config button on the panel.

  8. To create a new config, you would need to provide the

    • Name : This field is name of the Robokit configuration

    • Force Torque Sensor {xArm6 and xArm7 only}: Enable if the Sensor is available and connected; Disabled otherwise in the panel.

    • IO Pin {only for UR arms} : IO Pin number which is updated when the trigger button is pressed. Currently used for UR gripper control.

  9. If the Robokit Firmware Specific Setting are not configured during OTA Firmware Update Process or requires update, click on the Robokit Firmware Specific Settings button. Robokit Firmware Specific Settings Panel if selected contains the following fields:

    • Robot IP : This is the IP of the Robot which is connected to the robokit. For example for xArm6 it would be or for UR it would be

    • ROS Port : This is the port used for connecting the AMAS VR app to the Robokit. By Default it is 9090

    • End Effector : This fields has the list of the gripper currently integrated with the AMAS system. In the gripper in use is not in the list, Custom Gripper option could be used

    • UR Robots Specific Fields

      • Main Program : This is the UR program used by the AMAS to control the UR robot arms for teleoperations and other tasks {such as record and replay functionality of AMAS}. It should be set as extend.urp

      • Addition Program : This is the UR Program which could be enabled using AMAS, this program could be used for the triggering some automation.

    • Melfa Robots Specific Fields

      • Robot Port : Default value 10001

      • Robot Number : Default value 1

      • Slot Number : Default value 1

  10. After changing the Robokit Firmware Specific Settings click on the Save button to return to the "New Robokit Configuration" Panel.

  11. Click Save Local or Save Local and Device to save the configuration (in application or in application and robokit respectively) and connect to the RoboKit to control.

Modifying a Currently Active RoboKit

Follow along the steps given below to modify the currently active RoboKit:

  1. Open the Configuration tab in the wrist panel.

  2. Press on the RoboKit button.

  3. Select the RoboKit you want to modify.

  4. Edit the configuration of the RoboKit accordingly.

  5. Press Save. This will update the RoboKit, and will update the stored configuration.

Last updated