Current Robokit Publishers, Subscribers and Services
Essential Information for ROS-side Customization
Bio IK Solver node
Published Topics
Control Message : For controlling the robot arm,
publishes trajectory control message of type FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoalFollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal contains the JointTrajectory data.
Using the points data part of the JointTrajectory the following information could be sent
Joint Positions
Joint Velocities
Arm Status Message :
for arm_response(bio_ik_response), joint_states, end_effector and other interactive targets pose in the real robot using message type, ArmResponse.msg
Subscribed Topics
IK Target :
is subscribed for the inverse kinematics to generate control message, and contains the end effector and other interactive target poses and operation mode information using message type ArmControl.msg
ROSBridge Websocket Node (Data from AMAS VR app)
Published Topics
IK Target :
contains the end effector and other interactive target poses and operation mode using message type ArmControl.msgGripper Control :
for the gripper control using message type, GripperControl.msgAnalog Data
Field : gripperAnalog
Range : 0 (Open) to 1 (Close)
Digital Data
Field : gripperDigital
Value : 0 for Open 1 for Close
Navigation Control :
for sending the velocity command using the message type TwistArm Specific Topics
For Tiago
for sending the velocity command using the message type Twist/head_controller/point_head_action/goal
for sending the head control, look at target using the message type PointHeadActionGoal
Subscribed Topics
Arm Status Message :
for arm_response(bio_ik_response), joint_states, end_effector and other interactive targets pose in the real robot using message type ArmResponse.msgArm Specific Topics :
For UR
for the robot arm errors using SafetyMode.msg
For xArm
for the robot arm errors using RobotMsg.msg/xarm/uf_ftsensor_ext_states
for the force torque sensor value using type WrenchStamped
For Dobot
for the robot arm errors using FeedInfo
Arm Specific Services
System Info Service for getting the device id and model
For xArm
to enable the force torque sensor using SetInt16.srv/xarm/set_mode
to set the xarm mode using SetInt16.srv/xarm/set_state
to set xarm state using SetInt16.srv/xarm/clear_err
to clear xarm errors using ClearErr.srv
For UR
to unlock protective stop after collision using Trigger Service./ur_hardware_interface/dashboard/stop
to stop the program using Trigger Service./ur_hardware_interface/dashboard/program_state
to get the program state (playing, paused or stop) using GetProgramState.srv/ur_hardware_interface/dashboard/play
to start the program using Trigger Service.
For Dobot
to get the dobot specific Error ID using GetErrorID.srv/dobot_v4_bringup/srv/ClearError
to clear dobot errors using ClearError.srv/dobot_v4_bringup/srv/EnableRobot
to enable the dobot robot using EnableRobot.srv
Last updated